Garden Cam Logo
Connected with Nature 💚

Help Nature Thrive 🌱

GardenCam helps you design, build and
maintain beautiful natural spaces and lets
nature reach out to you whenever it needs
your help or attention... or when it has a
beautiful moment to share to make your day

Garden Overview Mobile
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Notice the Beauty

You miss 99% of the activity in your garden
when you’re away. Get rewarded for your
efforts by getting close to the all the living
beings that are thriving around your home
thanks to you.

Garden Overview Mobile

Making it Simple

It can be hard to get started.

We guide you through simple steps and
based on your preferences, space and skill,
help you understand, plan, build and manage
a sustainable garden that is beautiful to you
and welcoming and healthy for the nature
around you.

Milestones Mobile
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Your Garden is Full of Magic

But you miss most of it. We help you get
close and enjoy the spectacle
of nature
that is taking place around your
home every day.

Special Moments Mobile

Learn About Your Impact

Gain regular insights about the health of your
garden and see the impact you’re making on
your local ecosystems by maintaining a
pollinator friendly yard.

Impact Mobile
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Adaptable, like Nature

Designed with ultimate flexibility in mind to
conform to nature and allow you to get close
to it wherever and however it is.

Camera Module
Solar Panel
Soil Sensor
LED, Mic, & Motion Sensor
Flexible Tripod
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All rights reserved GardenCam.